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The Significance of Life Education: In the View of Zhuangzi's ''Use of Non-Usefulness''
作者 陳佩君 (Pei-Chun Chen)
The promotion of ''life education'' was formed in the background of society and schools focusing on talent education and neglecting the cultivation of human. This article meditates on the relationship between ''talent education'' and ''life education'' through Zhuangzi's reflections on ''use of usefulness'' and ''use of non-usefulness.'' Finally, it is pointed out that only by mastering the ''use of non-usefulness'' can the individual be prevented from being narrowed into instrumental value by ''use of usefulness'', and in this way can the significant use of the terminal value of the individual be achieved. If you want to live a free and happy life, the livelihood skills of ''use of usefulness/ talent education'' are necessary conditions, the life wisdom of ''use of non-usefulness/ life education'' is the sufficient condition. The priority of ''use of non-usefulness/ life education'' is higher than ''use of usefulness/ talent education'', but the two are not mutually exclusive and co-construct the whole meaning of life.
起訖頁 31-43
關鍵詞 莊子有用無用無用之用生命教育Zhuangziusefulnessnon-usefulnessuse of non-usefulnesslife education
刊名 應用倫理評論  
期數 202404 (76期)
出版單位 國立中央大學哲學研究所應用倫理研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 邁向美善合一的人格理想:論孔子教育哲學中的靈性作用
該期刊-下一篇 「禪定」與「智慧」的靈性修養:論《六祖壇經》之人格教育




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