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Racoleus japonicus sp. nov. (Teratosphaeriaceae, Ascomycota), a new sterile filamentous lichen collected from Japan
Racoleus japonicus sp. nov. (Teratosphaeriaceae, Ascomycota), a new sterile filamentous lichen collected from Japan
作者 Kento Miyazawa (Kento Miyazawa)Yoshihito Ohmura (Yoshihito Ohmura)
Racoleus japonicus is described as a new species. It is characterized by a blackish brown minutely filamentous thallus with lateral spines, vertical arrangement of hyphae with uneven and undulate to corrugated hyphal walls, and a Trentepohlia photobiont. In this genus, only R. trichophorus was known before the present study. Racoleus japonicus is distinguished from that species by having broader filaments (10–15μm wide), larger hyphal cells (10–20×3–7μm), and lateral sinuous spines. It was collected on shady rocks from northern to southern Japan at elevations between 290 and 1700 m. A molecular phylogeny based on nuSSU, nuLSU and mtSSU inferred that R. japonicus has a close relationship with unidentified fungi of Capnodiales, and that is not related to Cystocoleus and Racodium which have similar filamentous thalli. Based on the molecular phylogenetic analyses, R. japonicus is classified within Teratosphaeriaceae.
起訖頁 417-424
關鍵詞 CapnodialesCystocoleuslichenized fungimtSSUnuLSUnuSSURacodiumTrentepohlia
期數 202311 (68:4期)
出版單位 臺灣大學生命科學院;台灣生物多樣性協會
該期刊-上一篇 Begonia tui, a new species of Begonia sect. Coelocentrum from Quang Binh Province, Central Vietnam
該期刊-下一篇 A new species of Saridoscelis Meyrick, 1894 (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) from Taiwan




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