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Pattern of Plant Species Diversity in Grasslands of Rajasthan, India
Pattern of Plant Species Diversity in Grasslands of Rajasthan, India
作者 P. Hari Krishna (P. Hari Krishna)C. Sudhakar Reddy (C. Sudhakar Reddy)S. L. Meena (S. L. Meena)S. S. Katewa (S. S. Katewa)
Quantitative data on patterns of distribution and diversity of grasslands is necessary for conservation planning and sustainable utilization. This is the first study to document and analyse the phytosociological data of grasslands of entire Rajasthan state, India. The data was collected through stratified random sampling method by laying 515 sample plots. The study found 375 species belonging to 188 genera and 46 families. Species diversity (Shannon-Weiner diversity) in seven grassland community types ranged between 2.59 and 3.18. The highest Shannon-Weiner diversity index (H'= 3.18) was found in Aristida-Dichanthium grassland followed by Sehima-Apluda grassland (H' = 3.17). The Simpson diversity index and Similarity index are quite different from each other reveals the uniqueness of these grasslands types. Based on our analysis we are concluding that, saline grasslands and swampy grasslands are narrow-niched and ecologically unique. Analysis showed grasslands of Rajasthan as highly species diverse communities and requires prioritization in the long term conservation planning. KEY WORDS: Aravallis, desert, grasslands, India, phytosociology, Rajasthan.
起訖頁 111-118
關鍵詞 AravallisdesertgrasslandsIndiaphytosociologyRajasthan
期數 201406 (59:2期)
出版單位 臺灣大學生命科學院;台灣生物多樣性協會
該期刊-上一篇 In vitro Propagation of Dianthus mainensis, an Endemic Plant from the West Sayan (North Asia)
該期刊-下一篇 入侵植物大花咸豐草和歸化植物鬼針草之營養生長和繁殖生長比較




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