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Synopsis of the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) in India
作者 Lal Babu Chaudhary (Lal Babu Chaudhary)Jana Venkata Sudhakar (Jana Venkata Sudhakar)Anoop Kumar (Anoop Kumar)Omesh Bajpai (Omesh Bajpai)Rinkey Tiwari (Rinkey Tiwari)G. V. S. Murthy (G. V. S. Murthy)
本文提供了一份在印度境內所有榕屬植物的清單,共包含115個分類群(89個種和26個種下分類群)。而本清單將此115個分類群又分為6個亞屬及12個節,其中物種數最豐富的亞屬為Urostigma。本文除描述每個物種在印度境內及世界上的分佈外,也提供了該物種同種異名之相關文獻,並針對數個物種提出分類上的意見。在此115個分類群中只有10個分類群是印度的特有種;本文也建議將亞種Ficus hirta Vahl subsp. triloba(Buch.-Ham. ex Voigt) Chaudhary做合併處理。在印度境內榕屬物種多樣性最高處落在東北半島如梅加拉亞邦以及安達曼-尼科巴群島,兩個區域都具有引人注目的高物種多樣性存在。
A checklist of all species of Ficus L. available in the present political boundary of India is provided. About 115 taxa (89 species and 26 infraspecific taxa) of Ficus have been recorded here based on all available information. The taxa have been arranged according to the current classification among six subgenera and 12 sections. The maximum number of the species belongs to subgenera Urostigma. For each species, correct nomenclature with first citation followed by several relevant works and important synonyms has been provided along with Indian as well as world distribution. The taxonomic comments have also been provided for many species, if found necessary. Out of the 115 taxa occurring in India, only 10 taxa have been recorded as endemic. One new combination Ficus hirta Vahl subsp. triloba (Buch.-Ham. ex Voigt) Chaudhary has been proposed. In India, the species are distributed throughout the country from South to North up to the Himalayas at about 2,000 m elevations. The maximum diversity of the species lies in the North-East region followed by the Peninsular region and Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The province like Meghalaya in the North-East region has very rich diversity of Ficus as far as the number of species is concerned.
起訖頁 193-216
關鍵詞 分類分佈特有性榕屬印度桑科命名法ClassificationdistributionendemismFicusIndiaMoraceaenomenclature
期數 201206 (57:2期)
出版單位 臺灣大學生命科學院;台灣生物多樣性協會
該期刊-上一篇 中國廣西苦苣苔科一新種——擬大苞半蒴苣苔
該期刊-下一篇 列當科根寄生性植物——暹羅假野菰在印度的新紀錄分布




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