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彩鷸(Rostratula benghalensis benghalensis)在宜蘭休耕田中的巢位選擇
Nest-site Selection of the Greater Painted Snipe (Rostratula benghalensis benghalensis) in Fallow Fields of I-Lan, Taiwan
作者 許祐薰 (Yu-Hsun Hsu)劉小如 (Lucia Liu Severinghaus)
Nest site quality often affects nest success and the fitness of avian breeders. Vegetation structure and water depth are possible factors evaluated in nest-site selection by ground nesting birds in wetlands. Vegetation structure may affect the predation risk, and water depth is linked to the possibility of being flooded. We examined these two factors in the nest site selection of a wetland bird, the Greater Painted Snipe (Rostratula benghalensis benghalensis), in I-Lan, Taiwan. We found 17 Greater Painted Snipe nests in wet fallow fields. By paired comparisons, we found the breeders tended to nest on sites with higher vegetation coverage and lower water depth than random sites. No significant difference was found in the vegetation height between the nest sites and the paired random sites. Five nests failed to hatch due to flooding or predation. The preference for nest sites with low water depth may be an effort to avoid being flooded and the preference for dense vegetation coverage at nest sites may be a response to predation risk.
起訖頁 195-200
關鍵詞 彩鷸巢位選擇掠食壓力植物覆蓋度水深Greater Painted Snipenest-site selectionpredation riskRostratula benghalensis benghalensisvegetation coveragewater depth
期數 201109 (56:3期)
出版單位 臺灣大學生命科學院;台灣生物多樣性協會
該期刊-上一篇 菲律賓百合(Lilium Philippinense Baker,百合科)於菲律賓呂宋島中央山脈區域的地理分布
該期刊-下一篇 斯里蘭卡樹蕨(桫欏科, Cyatheaceae)的保育優先性




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