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Seedling Composition and Facilitative Effects of the Herbaceous Layer in a Monsoon-Affected Forest in Nanjenshan, Southern Taiwan
作者 范素瑋 (Su-Wei Fan)謝長富 (Chang-Fu Hsieh)
Tree seedlings play an important role in forest regeneration. To understand the factors that control seedling establishment, we (1) compared the composition patterns of tree seedlings and their corresponding overstories, (2) examined the relationships between seedling composition and environmental factors and (3) evaluated the interaction (competition or facilitation) between seedlings and herbaceous layer in a wind-stressed forest in Nanjenshan, southern Taiwan. In the study plot, seedling abundance of canopy, subcanopy and shrub species (with true leaves and < 1 cm diameter at breast height) and coverage of herbaceous species (including herbaceous species, climbers and tree ferns ≤ ca. 1 m in height) were investigated on three transects with a total of 180 contiguous 5 × 5 m quadrats. Clustering classification and ordination methods were used to reveal the tree seedling composition patterns and the relationships between seedling composition and environmental factors. Correlation coefficients were computed between herbaceous coverage and seedling abundance among herb-seedling species pairs and between tall (≥ 1 m high)/short (< 0.5 m high) herbs and seedlings pairs to test the herb-seedling interaction. The spatial distribution of tree seedlings presented a perfect match to the overstory vegetation pattern. There was a strong relationship among seedling composition, herbaceous composition and topographic features, especially exposure to monsoon winds. Because of the absence of strong correlations between herbaceous structure/species and seedling abundances, the strong linkage in spatial patterns between seedling and herbaceous compositions suggests that certain plant species in the study plot have similar responses to the monsoon exposure. Our results also indicated that seedlings < 1 cm in diameter were strongly influenced by wind stress, similar to the response of the overstory composition, and that the facilitative/competitive effects of the herbaceous layer on tree seedlings were relatively weak.
起訖頁 373-385
關鍵詞 森林更新種間交互作用序列分析林下植群植群分層forest regenerationinterspecific interactionordinationunderstory vegetationvegetation layers
期數 201012 (55:4期)
出版單位 臺灣大學生命科學院;台灣生物多樣性協會
該期刊-上一篇 中國廣西石灰岩地區苦苣苔科一新種——龍州小花苣苔
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣新紀錄罕見鯊魚——黑鰓盾尾鯊




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