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Two New Epiphyllous Leptolejeunea (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae) from Eastern Himalaya, India
作者 Monalisa Dey (Monalisa Dey)D. K. Singh (D. K. Singh)
本文描述印度東喜瑪拉雅山附生於葉的二新種薄鱗蘚屬植物,包括密利湖薄鱗蘚及尤氏薄鱗蘚。密利湖薄鱗蘚分布於西孟加省大吉嶺區,主要特徵為葉片倒卵形,頂部銳尖或亞銳尖,葉緣全緣;腹葉二裂,裂片披針形3-4細胞長,2-3細胞寬,邊緣具圓齒;雌苞葉具油細胞,蒴萼倒圓錐形,口部截狀,具五個1/2-3/5蒴萼長的角狀脊。尤氏薄鱗蘚分布於錫金省的東區,主要特徵為葉長寬比為1.2-1.3: 1,葉片倒卵形,葉尖亞銳尖;雄枝頂生或側生,具雄苞葉;雌苞葉及蒴萼具油細胞,蒴萼倒圓錐狀,具五個脊。本文同時提供印度薄鱗蘚屬之檢索表。
Two new epiphyllous species of the genus Leptolejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn., viz. L. mirikana M. Dey et D. K. Singh sp. nov. and L. udarii M. Dey et D. K. Singh sp. nov., are described from Darjeeling district of West Bengal and East district of Sikkim respectively in Eastern Himalaya, India. While, the former is characterized by obovate leaf lobes with acute – subacute leaf apices and entire margin; rectangular – trapezoid underleaves with rectangular – lanceolate lobes which are 3-4 cells long, 2-3 cells wide, or rarely 1 cell wide at apex, and crenulate – denticulate margin; presence of ocelli in female bracts and bracteoles and obconical perianth with truncate apices and 5 obliquely – horizontally spreading horn-like keels extending from apex to 1/2-3/5 of perianth length, the latter is distinct in having small length-breadth ratio of the leaves ranging between 1.2:1-1.3:1; obovate leaf lobes with subacute apices; terminal as well as intercalary androecia with male bracteoles present throughout; numerous ocelli scattered on female bracts, bracteoles and perianth and obconical – campanulate perianth with 5 smooth, erect – obliquely spreading horn-like keels. A key to the Indian species of the genus has been provided.
起訖頁 355-362
關鍵詞 密利湖薄鱗蘚尤氏薄鱗蘚薄鱗蘚科新種東喜瑪拉雅山Leptolejeunea mirikanaLeptolejeunea udariiLejeuneaceaeNew SpeciesEastern HimalayaIndia
期數 201012 (55:4期)
出版單位 臺灣大學生命科學院;台灣生物多樣性協會
該期刊-上一篇 買麻藤類巨化石綜述:問題和展望
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣蘭科植物補註(五)




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