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Paleoecological study of Taiwan (3) The P'uli Basin
作者 鐘天福 (Thein-Fook Chung)黃增泉 (Tseng-Chieng Huang)尹因印 (Richard B. Stamps)
Pollen analysis of 19 samples from 4 locations in the P'u-li Basin, in Nantou County, ROC. was carried out during 1972-3. A total of 5,000 fossil palynomorphs were observed and identified. Based on the different pollen assemblages, the pollen diagram has been classified into zones A and B. Zone B is divided into subzones B1, B2 and B3. Zone A, with samples from the surface layer of each site, was characterized by subtropical and temperate elements, such as Pinaceae, Betulaceae, Magnoliaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Rubiaceae, Cyperaceae, Convolvulaceae and Gramineae. Zone B, was found from samples in the deeper layers of the sites. Most components of subzone B1 and B3 were subtropical waste land elements, namely Plantago, Carex, Cyperus, Gramineae, and genera of Convolvulaceae. Pollen assemblages of subzone B2 are the same as t hose of zone A. Indicator pollen grains for reforestation are those of Cryptomeria, Cunninghamia, and Pinus, and for crop cultivation are assemblages of Plantago, Ipomoea, Cyperus, Carex, Gramineae and Chenopodium. According to radiocarbon dating the initial deforestation of the area occurred between 5,000 to 15,900 B. P . before the beginning of zone B. Evidence for cultivation are shown by the appearance of cereal pollen grains and waste land elements from subzone B3 by at least 3,000 B. P. The evidences of pottery and lithic artifacts indicated that the Neolithic peoples of the Lunshanoid culture of southwest Taiwan and southeast China arrived to this area before 2381 B. P.
起訖頁 179-193
期數 197308 (18:2期)
出版單位 臺灣大學生命科學院;台灣生物多樣性協會
該期刊-上一篇 胡蘿萄素與木賊配子體之雄配子囊形成關係
該期刊-下一篇 稀有地衣Coenogonium interplexum Nyl.之新產地




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