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臺灣新紀錄之蘚類:Monosolenium tenerum
The discovery of Monosolenium tenerum in Taiwan
作者 楊寶瑜 (Bao-Yu Yang)
It was in 1960 the writer found large patches of Monosolenium tennerum Griffith growing widely on the floor of a diffused greenhouse designed for raising pot flowers in the south of our main glass-house of the Botany Department, National Taiwan University. Because of its peculiar combination of characters, its position has remained a puzzle to her for several years. Then in June 1965, Dr. Margaret Fulford of the University of Cincinnati, after having seen a specimen of the plant which the writer sent to her and after reading her manuscript, suggested that she send it to Dr. J. Proskauer of the University of California, a well-known authority on Marchantiales, for identification. Immediately, the writer was favored with Dr. Proskauer's kind reply which reads as follows: ''I am not surprised that the plant puzzled you. Its combination of characters is indeed so peculiar that for many decades after its original description in 1849 people believed that the original author, Griffith, had largely imagined it! And even today few people are aware of its existence.
起訖頁 29-34
期數 196512 (11期)
出版單位 臺灣大學生命科學院;台灣生物多樣性協會
該期刊-上一篇 氯對紅豆水耕培養生長初期之毒害與利益
該期刊-下一篇 濕地苔Hyophila tortula芽孢之發生與培養




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