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The study on the effect of light to the development and growth of Sesbania Sesban
作者 李順卿 (Shun-Ching Lee)
Sesbania is a genus belonging to the family Leguminosae and sub-family Papilionaceace, consisting of about 20 species of both annual and perennial plants, and distributing over the old world tropics from Himalaya, Ceylon, Siam and eastward to the southern part of Formosa. While Formosa, being for the most part a sub-tropical country. is a marginal territory of its natural distribution. The botanical characters of the species S. sesban, Merr. According to Dr. E. D. Merrill. that S. sesban is a small tree or shrub of 6-15 ft. tall, with 21-41 glabrous, linear oblong, obtuse mucronate, and abruptly pinnated leaf-lets; flowers 6-10 in copious lax axillary racemes; pedicels filiform 1/6-1/4 inch; Calyx glabrous membranaceous, short teethed, deltoid; Corolla 1/2-3/4 inch, glabrous, pale yellow purple, more or less tinged with deep red; petals with long claws, standard broad, keel obtuse, straight or recurved and subrostrate; Stamens diadelphous; Anthers uniform; Ovary linear, stipitate, many-ovuled; Style filiform, incurved. glabrous; Srigima capitate; Pod 6-9 inches long twisted and pendulous, narrow dehiscent, with distinct septa between the very numerous seeds, and sutures little thickened.
起訖頁 9-15
期數 196012 (7期)
出版單位 臺灣大學生命科學院;台灣生物多樣性協會
該期刊-上一篇 念珠藻與滿江紅
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣及附近之裏白科




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