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The Response and Shape of Yu Xiangdou's Court-case Novels to the Consciousness of the Citizens in the Late Ming Dynasty
作者 張凱特
The emergence of F in the late Ming dynasty has been attributed to the unclear governance of officials at the end of the Ming dynasty, and the expectation of clear officials to decide cases in order to practice legal justice is reflected in the novels. In view of this, this paper attempts to examine the common thinking reflected in the narrative structure and propositions of the two most representative books Lianming gongan (廉明公案) and Zhusi gongan (諸司公案) compiled by Yu Xiangdou (余象斗), the master of the bookstore, in order to discover the characteristics of the public cases and the reasons for their popularity. First, in terms of narrative structure, the construction method resembles the spirit of law, presenting a simple confrontation between good and evil characters, and completing the process of vindicating the good; Second, in terms of proposition, it is said that this process is a seemingly retributive operation of heaven, but in fact it is the completion of retribution. Whether the citizens consider themselves to be absolutely virtuous or believe that the protection of their rights is a manifestation of heavenly justice, they all belong to the imagined "justice", and the mass consciousness presented by the readers supports and complements the emergence and content of the public fiction, and also illustrates the function and significance of popular fiction in recounting the social atmosphere.
起訖頁 243-274
關鍵詞 明代小說正義廉明公案諸司公案余象斗Ming Dynasty FictionJusticeLianming gonganZhusi gonganYu Xiangdou
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 202312 (42期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 安樂哲「角色倫理學」的實用主義特質及其限制




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