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Interpretation of“Body Phenomenology”in“Things upon Tao”of Zhuangzi
作者 賴錫三
Zhuangzi significantly influences Chinese artistic tradition. “Tao” of Zhuangzi is usually treated as the ultimate presentation of subject of Chinese artistic spirit. By context of metaphysics in Wei Jin Dynasty, philosophy of Zhuangzi is specifically transformed into landscape poetry and landscape painting. Because of the relationship between Zhuangzi and Chinese landscape poetry and painting, and there are many researchers who have constructed common consensus, this paper does not repeat the common points of Eastern culture. By cross-cultural interpretation, this paper explores Zhuangzi below: interpretation of body phenomenology in body subject of modern painting, particularly by the comparison with interpretation of Merleau-Ponty on modern painting of painters such as Paul Cezanne. By dialogue between Zhuangzi and Eye and Mind, this paper attempts to expose “skill progress by Tao” through quiet body experience in painting.
起訖頁 91-135
關鍵詞 莊子梅洛龐蒂身體空間繪畫ZhuangziMerleau-Pontybodyspacepainting
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 201312 (22期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《慧琳音義》引玄奘《藥師經》梵漢詞彙對比
該期刊-下一篇 天光雲影共徘徊:評蕭馳《玄智與詩興》




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