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The Relationship Between“Huaben”(話本)”and“Yanyi”(演義): A Case Study around Preface on“Ku-chin Hsiao-shuo”(古今小說)
作者 李志宏 (Chih-Hung Lee)
Studies on fiction based on the style of “Huaben”(話本, story-telling scripts) have not, as of yet, developed a final conclusion regarding the definition of “story-telling scripts” or the suitability of implementing the concept of “Simulant Huaben”(擬話本, a fiction written in the style of a story-telling script). I investigated preface on “Ku-chin Hsiao-shuo”(古今小說) by Feng Menglong(馮夢龍), and observed Feng's references to both “Zhanghui novel”(章回小說, long novels in chapters) and “Huaben fiction” (話本小說) as “Yanyi”(演義, 通俗演義). Consequently, I focused on the relationship between “Huaben”(話本) and “Yanyi”(演義). The objective of this study is to clarify and elucidate “novels based on the style of Huaben”(story-telling scripts) and their stylistic concepts. First, the definitions and relevantdebates regarding “Huaben” and “Simulant Hua Ben” are explained. Next, the concept of “Xiaoshuols”(小說) proposed in preface on “Ku-chin Hsiao-shuo”are reexamined and analyzed. Finally, the stylistic conventions and discourse expressions of “short Yanyi”(短篇通俗演義) are verified. Based on the mentioned process, I proposes a solution for existing controversies in the research of novels that adopta story-telling script style and creates a theoretical foundation for future studies re-examining stylistic changes in the creation of Ming-Qing popular short stories.
起訖頁 127-159
關鍵詞 話本擬話本演義古今小說馮夢龍Huaben(話本)Simulant Huaben(擬話本)Yanyi(演義)Ku-chin Hsiao-shuo(古今小說)Feng Menglong(馮夢龍)
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 201306 (21期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 聖嚴法師的禪法體認及其對大慧宗杲「話頭禪」與宏智正覺「默照禪」的運用
該期刊-下一篇 清代中期話本小說敘事模式析論




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