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Clay pastes from prehistoric Hutoushankongyuan (HTSKY):a study on materiality through petrography and experimental archaeology
作者 甘聿群江芝華
對比沉降、濕篩、乾篩、混土、摻和砂與碎陶等不同方式處理的實驗試片後,發現出土數量最多、年代距今1700-1900 B.P.年前的印紋泥質陶,可能使用了經過沉降以及「濕—濕混土」過的細緻異質陶土,夾砂陶則是在與泥質陶類似的陶土配方上加入摻和料,凸顯「混合」過程在定義當時陶胎物質性的重要性。另一批分布於遺址西南側邊緣較低海拔處、年代或許相對偏早的泥質陶(2800-2700 B.P.),則可見到另一種疑似經過乾篩的陶胎組織。至於年代更早、推測距今4000年左右的繩紋紅陶,則展現不同的異質胎土樣貌,推測經過「乾—濕混土」過程,很可能與同時期的夾砂陶共享類似的「摻和」邏輯。
Petrography provides not only clues for provenance studies, but more importantly, insight into past human-thing relationship demonstrated in the processes of clay preparation from the perspective of materiality. Building on a previous case study of Hutoushankongyuan (HTSKY), this study finds great diversity in paste and particle granulometry under a polarized microscope, despite the simple vessel typology and similar clay sources near the site. By comparing the inter-relationships among paste characteristics, typological attributes and archaeological contexts, this article attempts to discuss how various paste materialities were defined and produced across time.
Experimental briquettes as reference samples were prepared by several techniques, including settling, wet-sieving, dry-sieving, clay mixing, sand tempering, and grog tempering. A comparison of these samples and the thin section of HTSKY sherds suggests that numerous wares at the Hutoushankongyuan site were made with heterogeneous clay. The fine-paste, impressed ware dated to 1900-1700 B.P. might have been prepared with settled and ''moist-moist mixed'' clay. The contemporaneous coarse sand-tempered ware shared similar basic clay with crushed or ground tempers added, indicating the importance of‘mixing’in defining paste materiality. Some earlier fine ware (2800-2700 B.P.) discovered on the south-western margin of the site exhibits another paste preparation technique, likely the dry-sieving method. The cord-marked red pottery dated to approximately 4000 years ago demonstrates yet another kind of heterogeneous paste produced by ''dry-moist mixing'' technique, sharing a similar logic of‘tempering’as the coarse sand-tempered wares from the same period.
起訖頁 1-74
關鍵詞 岩象分析實驗考古物質性陶土製備虎頭山公園遺址ceramic petrographyexperimental archaeologymaterialityclay preparationHutoushankongyuan (HTSKY) site
刊名 考古人類學刊  
期數 202312 (99期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學人類學系
該期刊-下一篇 卑南史前人初探──由人骨體質特性分析為例




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