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Exploring Models of Elderly Care Through New Living Arrangements for Different Generations
作者 李美慧 (Mei-Huei Li)宋立垚 (Lih-Yau Song)
Taiwan is set to become a super-aged society by 2025, which is defined as 20% of the population being aged 65 or older. Our findings revealed that in today’s model of care, many senior people no longer live in a three-generation household, and multigenerational living has risen to 57%, in which younger adults live nearby and take care of older adults. Reasons for this include advanced architectural technology creating vertical communities where people live on different floors in the same high-rise building or older adults simply less willing to relocate as they age. Whatever the reason, current living arrangements have changed from three-generation cohabitation in which younger adults (children) care for older adults (parents) under one roof to multigenerational living. This study used a questionnaire survey to explore multigenerational living arrangements, especially because people’s willingness to mutually provide care for each other could affect their choice of living arrangements. The aim of this study was to understand the relationship among living structures, elderly care, and mutual caring in order to identify an appropriate model. This study also sought to identify improvements in future environments and accordingly provide suggestions. The survey results indicated that when family members from different generations live in close quarters, they still look after each other without the need to cohabit in a three-generation home. This type of living arrangement is called“multiple generations living in close quarters”or“intergenerational community.”Family members of different ages were also found to have different needs and expectations about living arrangements, and as such, they preferred to live on different floors to ensure independent living and a better living quality. Therefore, a new model of care has emerged where family members prefer to live in close proximity rather than living under the same roof. Further investigation also revealed that the distance between the homes of the younger adults and that of the older adults is key to multigenerational living arrangements. The majority of respondents agreed that a distance of 5-10 minutes on foot was deemed as living close to each other. This echoes New Urbanism, which defines“living in close quarters”as every family member living within a 400 m radius of each other to regularly support and visit their loved ones including in times of need. Its findings show that family members of different ages have different needs and expectations for living arrangements, and they prefer to live nearby rather than under the same roof. The distance between the homes of young and old is key to multigenerational living arrangements. This conclusion has an empirical contribution to housing policy, social policy and architectural design.
起訖頁 45-57
關鍵詞 高齡照顧多世代間近鄰居住型態Elderly CareIntergenerationalLiving in Close QuartersTypes of Living Arrangements
刊名 Architecture Science  
期數 202306 (27期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 循環經濟單元再利用的教育遊戲




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