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Evaluation Model for Water Balance between Supply and Demand in Extensive Green Roof
作者 鄭政利 (Cheng-Li Cheng)林盈均
Global warming has led to abnormal climate and characteristic rainfall changed gradually in recent years. Coupled with Taiwan’s special landform with steep slope terrain, the majority of water resources flow into the ocean with quite short term. In addition to rainfall patterns in Taiwan, longterm rainfall distribution is uneven and unavailable. Green roof can make the roof have the function of retaining water, which can buffer the rainstorm and water usage. It can also be helpful to control of urban flood. Therefore, in the current state of limited water resources, how to make the extensive green roof reach a stable water balance is the main issue of this research. Through different kinds of plant evapotranspiration experiment was obtained the actual amount of water requirement. In order to validate the estimation parameters of water balance, hydrometric and weather data are adopted to evapotranspiration experiment. The water supply and demand are estimated within an area of extensive green roof, and are analyzed and verified. As a results, a water balance evaluation method is established by the rainwater utilization ratio to provide a basis reference for practical implementation.
起訖頁 17-32
關鍵詞 薄層綠屋頂動態水平衡水資源供水需求雨水利用Extensive Green RoofDynamic Water BalanceWater ResourcesSupply and DemandRainwater Utilization
刊名 Architecture Science  
期數 202306 (27期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 重新思考後殖民高雄群島的辯證框架:碎片治理還是自主空距?
該期刊-下一篇 循環經濟單元再利用的教育遊戲




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