中文摘要 |
在以「全球導航衛星系統」(GNSS, Global Navigation Satellite System)進行測量時,其天線有兩個參考點,分別為「天線參考點」(ARP, Antenna Reference Point)與「北方參考點」(NRP, North Reference Point)。ARP為量取天線高時使用,NRP則用以整置儀器時對北,兩者均與天線之「相位中心」(Phase center)有關。本文以實例,說明ARP與NRP,及其應用於測量方式。 |
英文摘要 |
For surveying with GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems), there are two reference points on the antenna, ARP (Antenna Reference Point) and NRP (North Reference Point). While ARP is utilized for measuring the antenna height, NRP is for the orientation of the antenna. Both ARP and NRP are related to the phase center of the GNSS antenna. This writing introduces these two reference points with practical cases, and also the measurement methods. |