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Environmental Narrative and Fishing Village Transformation Strategy: Taking Yunlin Kou Lake as Examples
作者 謝玉玲李明安
對海岸帶空間進行人文探索,是全球化結構中的焦點之一,且透過後殖民理論、空間理論與生態主義交織,結合一地的歷史脈絡與發展,對海岸帶認識的典範性建構或轉移,必對一地的文化空間詮釋產生更多的可能性。行政院將2019年訂為「台灣地方創生元年」,地方創生(Regional Revitalization)的概念源於日本,在臺灣也受到許多關注,尤其是面對人口老化與少子化帶來的衝擊,該如何發展區域特色,改善區域發展不均,以及是否可透過觀光小旅行規畫以活化地方,強化人與土地的連結,使區域永續發展實為當務之急。
在臺灣西部海岸漁村社會變遷的主軸上,本論文初步對口湖一地的人文景觀變遷進行探討,同時以現代文學文本與在地國小學童書寫資料為研究材料,結合聯合國永續發展目標SDG14海洋生態保育(Life Below Water)和SDG11永續城市與社區(Sustainable Cities and Communities),考察地方意象如何形塑。尤其關注文化變遷之現象、內涵與影響進行詮釋闡發,藉此探究區域文化、地方意象與在地認同間的多重關聯,期能為雲林海岸帶之區域人文社會研究有所裨益。
The western coast of Taiwan (Taoyuan to Tainan) is 5about 460 kilometers, of which the Yunlin coastline is about 55 kilometers long. Therefore, fishery in the coastal area of Yunlin is prevalent and it is also an important breeding area for clams and oysters. It is also one of an important wind power field in the national green energy development plan. Yunlin is not adjacent to any municipality. However,most people believes that the coast of Yunlin is too rough, and the land is too barren, The description of Yunlin is particularly profound through the perspectives of literary writing and cultural research, but it also proves that Yunlin is a field that has been neglected for a long time.
Humanistic exploration of coastal space, combined with post-colonial theory, space theory, and ecological analysis, combined with the historical context and development of a place, will surely create more possibilities for the interpretation of coastal cultural space. This plan is based on the environmental changes in the western coast of Taiwan.
The Executive Yuan designated 2019 as the ''First Year of Regional Revitalization in Taiwan.'' The concept of regional revitalization originated from Japan and has also received a lot of attention in Taiwan, especially in the face of the impact of the aging population and low birthrate. How to develop regional characteristics, improve regional uneven development, how to revitalize places through tourism, and strengthen the connection between people and land to achieve sustainable regional development are urgent tasks.
On the main axis of social changes in fishing villages on the western coast of Taiwan, this paper initially discusses the cultural landscape and local identity of Kouhu. It combines the United Nations sustainable development indicators SDG14 and SDG11 to examine how local image is shaped. Pay special attention to the phenomenon, connotation and influence of cultural change to interpret and interpret, conduct a dialectic that is open, enlightening and resonant. In this way, we explore the multiple connections between regional culture, local image and local identity. It is expected to be beneficial to the regional humanities and social research in the Yunlin coastal zone.
起訖頁 80-97
關鍵詞 環境永續雲林口湖海岸帶書寫漁村敘事SDG14SDG11Environmental sustainabilityYunlin Kouhu TownshipCoastal writingRegional regulationFishing village narrativeSDG14SDG11
刊名 休閒研究  
期數 202310 (13:1期)
出版單位 國立體育大學創新領導研究發展中心
該期刊-上一篇 客家Z世代之族群認同與傳統美食消費行為之研究
該期刊-下一篇 性別文化指標:國際發展




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