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The Impact of Environmental Appeals through Social Media on Advertising Effectiveness: Taking Fast Fashion Apparel as an Example
作者 張雅安余強生
快時尚服飾是以平價、潮流、週期短、上貨快,促使消費者為了時尚潮流,而去消費購買,因此,不夠環保一直是快時尚服飾在消費者心中的印象,尤其節能減碳的環保議題,近年來已是消費者意識與社會潮流的一部分。因此,本研究想嘗試瞭解:在社群媒體上投放環保訴求的廣告,是否有助於消費者對快時尚服飾的購買意願?理性的環保訴求與感性的環保訴求,何者的廣告效果比較好?並以環保知識、口碑行銷作為干擾變數,探討廣告效果是否會受到這二個因素的影響? 經由160 位有效受測者參與實驗設計,其實證結果顯示:理性環保廣告訴求會顯著地影響快時尚服飾的廣告效果,而感性環保廣告訴求不會顯著地影響快時尚服飾的廣告效果,此外,口碑行銷在環保廣告訴求與快時尚服飾廣告效果之間,具有顯著地干擾效果,而環保知識則沒有。
Affordable price, replicating recent trends, rapid production and moving quickly from design to retail stores are main features of fast fashion apparel. These features have incurred the image of“not environmentally friendly”for fast fashion industry in the mind of consumers. Particularly, energy conservation and carbon reduction have been becoming part of consumer awareness and social trends in recent years. Accordingly, this research aims to investigate whether the advertising of environmental appeals increase people’s purchasing willingness as well as which advertising method (rational appeal vs emotional appeal) has better advertising effect. Besides, by taking environmental knowledge and word-of-mouth marketing as moderating factors, this study also attempts explore whether environmental knowledge and word-of-mouth marketing hold interference effect between advertising methods and performances. Through 160 participants engaging in the experimental design, the empirical results indicates that rational appeal significantly influenced the advertising performance while emotional appeal did not remarkedly affect the advertising performance. Besides, the word-of-mouth marketing holds asignificant interference effect while environmental knowledge not plays asignificant role.
起訖頁 90-108
關鍵詞 廣告效果環保訴求理性訴求感性訴求advertising effectenvironmental appealrational appealemotional appeal
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 202403 (13:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 後疫情綠色出行愛地球
該期刊-下一篇 公司發言人異動對股價影響之研究




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