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A Study of Fans’Satisfaction and Stickiness toward Video Game Live Streamers
作者 洪正興詹勳鴻蔣祐禛
本研究想要了解電玩直播主的網紅形象、粉絲對於直播主的形象與知覺價值是否為粉絲滿意和粉絲黏著度之關鍵因子。本研究將針對曾參與電玩直播服務的觀眾做為研究對象,對於研究對象進行網路問卷的施測,主要以結構方程式模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)為主要資料分析方法,並以Lisrel 作為資料分析工具,研究結論與發現描述如下:
1. 滿意度的掌握是電玩直播產業成功的關鍵。
2. 直播主網紅形象與知覺價值缺一不可,知覺價值是粉絲黏著度的重要基石。
In the video game Live-Stream industry, most operators tend to focus their business on attracting new viewers, emphasizing the growth rate of Live-Stream subscriptions, and providing various interactions to attract fans to watch video game Live-Stream activities, while ignoring other tangible and intangible values considered by fans, as well as the maintenance of fans’stickiness. In fact, for the video game Live-Stream industry, fans’satisfaction and maintenance of stickiness are indeed necessary.
This study aims to understand whether the cyber celebrity image of the video game Live-Stream and the perceived value of fans (customers) to the Live-Streamer are the key factors for fans’satisfaction and fans’stickiness. This study will take the audience who have participated in the video game Live-Stream services as the research object, and conduct an online questionnaire test for the research object. The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) will be the major analysis method and Lisrel is used to analyze our collected data. The research conclusions and findings are described as follows:
1. The mastery of fans’satisfaction is the key to the success of the video game Live-Stream industry.
2. Live-Streamer’s image and perceived value are indispensable. In addition, perceived value is the most important key factor on fans’stickiness.
起訖頁 1-19
關鍵詞 電子遊戲直播網紅形象知覺價值滿意黏著度Video GameLive StreamCyber Celebrity ImagePerceived ValueSatisfactionStickiness
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 202403 (13:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-下一篇 以公衛三段五級策略設計與開發精準營養聊天機器人




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