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Concept Analysis of Learned Resourcefulness
作者 鄒瑜高啟雯 (Chi-Wen Kao)
習得智謀(learned resourcefulness)為一廣泛且抽象的概念,為運用自我觀察、控制和改變內部負向感受、情緒或想法,減少壓力事件對情緒和行為造成不良影響的技能。不可否認地,過大的壓力會對生心理健康產生負面影響,而習得智謀能緩解壓力的影響,若能適時提供病人護理措施,提升自我內在調適能力,增進身心狀態穩定,乃為重要之護理議題。國內對此概念缺乏系統性概念分析,故本文依據Walker和Avant(2019)概念分析方法,歸納習得智謀之定義性特徵為:(1)具自我控制能力、(2)能夠運用解決問題的技能,以及(3)相信自己有能力可以有效應對不利情況。運用案例加以說明,並提供實證性參考指標及介紹護理研究與實務面之應用。期本文有助於護理同仁認識習得智謀,以提供臨床評估或發展相關介入措施的參考。
Learned resourcefulness is a broad and abstract concept that refers to the ability to use self-observation and self-control to change internal negative feelings, emotions, or thoughts to reduce the adverse effects of stress on emotions and behavior. Excessive stress negatively affects the physical and mental health of individuals, and learned resourcefulness can help alleviate the effects of stress. Nursing measures implemented in a timely manner to enhance patients’self-regulation ability and improve their mental and physical stability are important. In this article, based on the concept analysis method of Walker and Avant (2019), the defining characteristics of learned resourcefulness are summarized as: (1) self-control ability, (2) problem-solving skills, and (3) belief in one’s ability to cope effectively with adverse situations. These characteristics are illustrated in case examples, providing empirical reference indicators and introducing the application of nursing research and practice. It is hoped that this article will help nursing colleagues understand learned resourcefulness and provide a reference for clinical assessment and the development of related intervention measures.
起訖頁 97-103
關鍵詞 習得智謀概念分析learned resourcefulnessconcept analysis
刊名 護理雜誌  
期數 202404 (71:2期)
出版單位 臺灣護理學會
該期刊-上一篇 腦霧之概念分析
該期刊-下一篇 照護一位活體雙肺葉移植學齡期兒童術後復健之加護經驗




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