中文摘要 |
目的:本專案旨在藉由多元策略,導入虛擬健保卡。 方法:醫院員工(眷)端完備「培力基礎」、經過「推動觸媒」引導病患體驗下載虛擬健保卡、達成虛擬健保卡就醫之規劃理念。運用SMART原則訂定目標管理與激勵因子。資訊系統架構在民眾熟悉就醫流程上提供選項,也友善醫事人員操作。我們同時建立醫院全體導入專案共識與決心。推動期間並針對診間護理人員進行問卷調查,分析虛擬健保卡利用之關鍵因素。 結果:透過專案執行,本醫院2022年初次利用虛擬健保卡就醫2,164人,累積人次達4,375人,位居全國醫療院所首位。透過診間護理人員之問卷調查可知醫院之激勵機制有助於鼓勵診間護理人員主動詢問病人使用虛擬健保卡,也顯示資訊系統操作面有顯著改善。 結論:虛擬健保卡導入需要健保署與醫療院所、民眾三方共同努力,方能開創智慧就醫里程碑。期待在不久的將來,虛擬健保卡可以擴及到適用於特殊案件類別(如:預防保健案件、關懷名單、獨立疫苗案件等)。本專案的實作經驗分享,可提供醫療院所後續推動之參考。 |
英文摘要 |
Purpose: This project investigated the experience of implementing virtual health insurance cards at a hospital in Taiwan. Methods: Hospital staff (and their family members) had a complete“power-building foundation”in that they oversaw the development and implementation of the virtual insurance card program. Hospital staff served as a“promoting catalyst”in guiding patients to download and use virtual health insurance cards during medical visits. Using the principle of Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timebound (SMART) goal setting, the study set target management and incentive factors for virtual insurance card use. The information system adopted for the trial of virtual health insurance cards streamlined the process of medical visits in a manner that was convenient for patients and user-friendly for medical staff. This study also established a consensus protocol for training all hospital staff and incentivizing them to encourage patients to use virtual health insurance cards. In the implementation phase, a questionnaire survey was administered to the hospital’s outpatient clinic nurses to analyze the factors contributing to the use of virtual health insurance cards. Results: A total of 2,164 first-time users of virtual health insurance cards sought medical treatment at the study institution, and the cumulative number of patients using virtual insurance cards at the study institution reached 4,375 in 2022, making it the Taiwanese medical institution with the highest rate of virtual health insurance card users. The questionnaire survey revealed that the established incentives encouraged the clinic nurses to ask patients to use their virtual health insurance cards, substantially streamlining physician and patient access to medical information. Conclusion: The widespread introduction of the virtual health insurance card requires the collaboration of the National Health Insurance Bureau, medical institutions, and the public but offers the prospect of efficient, SMART medical treatment for Taiwan’s citizens. Virtual health insurance cards have numerous applications to disease prevention and health promotion, including identifying those who need specialized care and promoting the widespread use of vaccines. The experience of the patients and health care staff in this study can serve as a reference for other medical institutions in implementing virtual health insurance cards. |