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From Customary Practice to International Law:Disputes and Responses of Jiao Merchants in East Asian Trade (1880-1905)
作者 林玉茹
The jiao (brokerage cartel) was a merchant organization constituted by sea merchants
who spoke Fujianese dialects or other related vernaculars. Jiao merchants were very active
in the East Asian trading world in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Furthermore,
they created their own commercial and cultural groups. These merchants not only built up
trade networks between Taiwan and the port cities of China and expanded across East Asia,
but also formed dense intelligence networks through the transmission of messages first by
letter and later by telegram between both sides of the trade.
Jiao merchants were dependent on long-distance, trans-regional or trans-country
trade. What sorts of commercial problems were they likely to encounter? How did they
attempt to employ the norms developed across merchant organizations in order to pursue
profits, avoid trade risks, and settle disputes? Moreover, through war and the subsequent
treaties, foreign merchants became a significant presence in the East Asian trade from the
mid-nineteenth century on, bringing with them a revolution in maritime transport and
communications. How did jiao merchants respond to the commercial disputes that arose
between foreign and Chinese businessmen? In what ways did they draw on customary
practice as well as international law to resolve such issues?
In sum, from the middle of the nineteenth century on, jiao merchants that engaged in
trade across East Asia confronted a period of transition and transformation in means of
conveyance, information transmission and international law practice. Due to the limitations
of the historical sources, this article first focuses on the private correspondence of
merchants in Lugang (a non-treaty port in Taiwan), Ningbo (a treaty port in China), and
Nagasaki (a treaty port in Japan) from the end of the nineteenth century to the early years
of the twentieth century. It reconstructs changes in the forms of information transmission and maritime transport used by jiao merchants. It further examines how they employed
customary practices to deal with all sorts of business disputes, both domestic and
international. It then turns to commercial conflicts that occurred between Chinese and
foreign businessmen once ports in Taiwan were opened to foreigners in 1860. Taking these
as an example, it analyzes the types of disputes, how both sides negotiated and handled
them, and the initial experience of jiao merchants with international law and its application.
起訖頁 1-44
關鍵詞 洋行貿易糾紛整船貿易委託貿易總理各國事務衙門公親調解JiaoBrokerage CartelForeign FirmsWhole Ship TradeCommissioned TradeZongli YamenArbitration
刊名 臺灣史研究  
期數 202403 (31:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院臺灣史研究所
該期刊-下一篇 福爾摩沙是我們的:羅伯特.赫德在1874年牡丹社事件中的角色




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