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Resisting Biocolonialism: Taiwan Indigenous People’s Scientifi c Controversies, Biological Citizenship, and Legalization of Collective Consent
作者 蔡友月
2003年人類基因圖譜定序完成之後,科學研究如何招募研究受試者以及引發「倫理、法律與社會影響」(Ethical, Legal and SocialImplications, ELSI)成為重要議題。到目前為止,原住民族作為全球基因科技與生物殖民的關注對象,是一個被忽略但值得重視的研究面向。本文帶入「生物公民權」的概念,藉由分析台灣成為全球第一個以法制化方式來保障族群集體同意權的案例,來彌補這個重要的研究空缺。本文指出台灣原住民族面對生物醫學的徵召,在生物公民權的實踐上有三點重要的意義:一、原住民族採借主流社會的策略,要求國家對過去科學研究下的生物殖民與剝削進行彌補與修正;二、原住民族作為台灣少數族群,發展具有族群自主性的生命倫理治理機制,這是帶有由下而上肯認、賦權與民族自決的意涵;三、這種族群集體的政治行動與倡議,鑲嵌在全球原住民抵抗生物殖民以及台灣原運與民主化轉型的脈絡中。最後,本文探討原住民集體同意法制化後,在實踐上面臨的困境,藉此反省原住民健康治理中深藏的信任/不信任、原/漢或原住民社群內部權力不平等徵召學的問題。
After the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003, controversies over the“Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications”(ELSI) related to the recruiting of participants have become pivotal concerns. Indigenous peoples as the focus of global bio-colonialism and genetic research have been overlooked and warrant significant attention. Drawing on the concept of“biological citizenship,”this article seeks to fill the gap by analyzing Taiwan as the world’s first case of legally safeguarding the collective consent of indigenous groups, which occurred in 2018. Confronting the biocolonization and medical recruitment, this article illustrates three impacts of this Indigenous biological citizenship in Taiwan. Firstly, Taiwanese indigenous peoples adopt strategies and mobilization to urge the government to rectify all kinds of biocolonialism and exploitation resulting from scientific research in the past. Secondly, as a minority group in Taiwan, indigenous peoples develop bioethics governance based on the law with ethnic autonomy, empowerment from the bottom-up, and self-determination for Taiwanese Indigenous peoples. Thirdly, as a form of collective political action and advocacy, this political movement was embedded in the context of Taiwan’s pro-democracy and Indigenous movements since the 1990s. Finally, examining such recruitmentological issues as the relationship between trust and distrust and power inequality between indigenous and Han peoples, this article shows the difficulty of practicing“collective consent”for indigenous communities in Taiwan.
起訖頁 47-101
關鍵詞 基因台灣原住民集體同意生物公民權生物殖民geneticsTaiwanese indigenous peoplescollective consentbiological citizenshipbiocolonialism
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 202312 (46期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 反對運動中的路線分歧:從「國家性」視角比較香港(2006-2019)與台灣(1975-1986)的啟發
該期刊-下一篇 當勞動節點變成信仰飛地:海外客工如何成為一貫道傳向中國的擔綱者




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