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Research on Adding the Crime of Manipulating Competitive Sports Competitions under the Background of Anti-corruption in the Sports World
作者 王剛
Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, our country has established the strategy of building a leading sporting nation, which is an integral part of Chinese modernization. The construction of a leading sporting nation includes competitive sports and mass sports, with competitive sports playing a crucial role in leading and demonstrating within the framework of this strategy. However, there are many challenges in the implementation process. Crimes such as bribery, gambling and money laundering are the ''cancers'' that restrict construction. It requires the improvement of corresponding mechanisms for its elimination. Due to the lack of a rigorous legal regulatory system in our country, the phenomenon of manipulating competitive sports competitions is very serious. It is characterized by repeated prohibitions, wide coverage, huge amount of money involved, common systematic cases, and extending to emerging fields. The manipulation of competitive sports competitions disrupts the order of sports management, erodes the foundation of building a leading sporting nation, and urgently needs attention and resolution. Although China's ''Sports Law'' prohibits the manipulation of sports competitions and stipulates subsidiary criminal law norms, the absence of corresponding provisions in the ''Criminal Law'' leads to a lack of smooth execution in criminal enforcement. The current criminal charges for punishing relevant actions in the manipulation of competitive sports competitions conflict with the principles of legality and deviate from the central focus of systematic sports crimes involving match-fixing. Therefore, it is necessary to improve China's sports criminal law legislation. To combat illegal activities centered around manipulating competitive sports competitions, the international community has developed relevant conventions, and foreign countries have enacted related sports laws, including crimes related to sports fraud in criminal law. These can serve as a reference for improving China's criminal legislation. In the context of the dual background of building a leading sporting nation and developing the sports industry, the manipulation of competitive sports competitions in the expected sports criminal law system violates multiple legal interests and meets the substantive conditions for criminal punishment. Manipulating competitive sports competitions infringes on three levels of legal interests: at the macro level, it degrades the national image and damages national spirit; at the meso level, it disrupts the national management order of competitive sports; and at the micro level, it infringes on the legitimate interests of relevant entities. Therefore, the act of manipulating competitive sports competitions has serious social harm and normative significance in terms of legal interest infringement, justifying the necessity and legitimacy of establishing the crime of manipulating competitive sports competitions in ''Criminal Law''. Adding the crime of manipulating competitive sports competitions to the criminal law is an important guarantee for promoting the construction of a leading sporting nation. It can bridge the 112th and 119th articles of the ''Sports Law'' and connect the ''Sports Law'' with the ''Criminal Law''. We suggest adding a provision after Article 223 of the ''Criminal Law,'' tentatively formulated as ''Article 223-1,'' with the crime and punishment stipulated as follows: ''In major domestic and international sports competitions, personnel from sports authorities, sports organizations, coaches, referees, athletes, and other sports professionals who violate the principle of fair competition, unduly dominate or control the competition process, with serious consequences……; in cases of particularly serious nature,……''.
起訖頁 95-107
關鍵詞 體育強國建設戰略競技體育管理秩序操縱競技體育比賽罪罪刑規範
刊名 当代法学  
期數 202401 (2024:1期)
出版單位 吉林大學
該期刊-上一篇 建構行刑銜接中的行政檢察監督機制
該期刊-下一篇 “二次創作”行為著作權合理使用認定的經濟分析範式




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