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Revisit the Interpretation No.775 Judicial Yuan and the Revision of the Recidivism from the View of Constitutional Review Models and Doctrine of Separation of Powers
作者 林臻嫺
Interpretation No.775 Judicial Yuan (Issued Feb.22 2019) has declared that Article 47 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of China would be unconstitutional under some situations and has requested that the Legislative Yuan amend the law within two years. However, the 2-year time limit has been exceeded, the Legislative Yuan has not yet amended the unconstitutional law. To resolve the problem of diversity and turmoil in judicial applications concerning whether and how to increase the penalty for recidivism in criminal courts, the Criminal Great Chamber of Supreme Court then issued the case of No.5660 in April 2022. This article will try to revisit the Interpretation No.775 Judicial Yuan from the view of Constitutional Review Models and Doctrine of Separation of Powers. Then try to figure out why the Interpretation No.775 cannot be implemented. To sum up, to preserve the credibility of Judicial Yuan’s Interpretation No. 775, the Legislative Yuan should amend Article 47 of the Criminal Code as soon as possible.
起訖頁 158-177
關鍵詞 累犯釋字第775號解釋違憲宣告模式權力分立原則最高法院110年度台上大字第5660號裁定R ecidivismInterpretation No.775Constitutional Review ModelsDoctrine of Separation of PowersCase No.5660 Issued by Criminal Great Chamber of Supreme Court in 2022
刊名 軍法專刊  
期數 202403 (70:1期)
出版單位 軍法專刊社
該期刊-上一篇 國人赴陸就職管制之法律問題──以「廈門社區主任助理案」為中心
該期刊-下一篇 定作人協力義務之性質與違反之法律效果




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