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The Legal Characterization of NFT Digital Works Transactions under the Principle of Functional Equivalence: A New Approach for Virtual Property being incorporated into Property Law
作者 郭鵬
The legal characterization of NFT digital works is essentially a matter of the right attributes of virtual property. The innovative application of block-chain technology in the field of digital works ownership management provides a gradual, new approach with elements for virtual property to be incorporated into property law. Upon the basis of categorizing virtual property and with the guidance of the principle of functional equivalence in the field of electronic commerce, NFTs can be considered as physical thing. For the legal definition of NFT digital works, the liability transfer theory regards the NFT transaction contract as NFT itself, which does not differentiate the essential difference between the contract and the subject matter of the contract, ignoring the functional equivalence in the transfer of property right. The information network communication theory fails to differentiate the different features of two communication phases of NFT: making and dealing, ignoring the special feature of realizing communication through the transfer of tangible media under the principle of functional equivalence. It is the functional equivalence of the NFT transaction to the transfer of ownership and the application of the distribution right of the copyrighted property right that logically reveals the nature of the transaction.
起訖頁 118-132
關鍵詞 NFT功能等同原則所有權信息網絡傳播權發行權NFTfunctional equivalence principleownershipright of communication through information networkdistribution right
刊名 现代法学  
期數 202311 (2023:6期)
出版單位 西南政法大學
該期刊-上一篇 人工智能輔助量刑場景下的程序正義反思與重塑
該期刊-下一篇 有限責任公司全面認繳制該何去何從?——兼評《公司法(修訂草案三審稿)》第47條




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