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Ideology of Finland's Education System: Competition Replaced by Common Good
作者 林淑華 (Shu-Hwa Lin)張芬芬 (Fen-Fen Chang)
In recent years, though there have been numerous domestic studies exploring the education system of Finland, few of them examined the ideology supporting that system. .Instead of offering synopsis of Finland's education system, the study examined the ideas of Finnish education system and policies. After all, the orientation of ideas hidden in them may be more valuable. Through analyzing the ideology of Finnish education system, this study helped the readers gain insight into the unique educational ideals and actions supporting this country's successful education experience. A key notion here is that for Finnish learning organizations and individuals, which include schools, teachers and students, the focus is on common good rather than competitions. This paper comprises three parts. First, the investigators discussed the education reform in Finland, starting from the booming of this small nation. In this section, the investigators introduced major education reform policies of Finland chronologically. In the second part, the investigators described characteristics of Finland's education, comprising good quality elementary school teachers, smart education responsibility divisions, and an honesty and trust based social culture. In the third part, the investigators analyzed Finland's anti-competition ideas and actions. The six education concepts reviewed by the investigators were equality, homogeneity, learning, justice, evaluation and competition. For the last part, the investigators summarized inspirations gained from the Finnish education system, and this section included lessons learned from Finland regarding attaining competitiveness from overlooking it, and reflections for Taiwan in terms of the trend of students and inter-school competitions.
起訖頁 112-131
關鍵詞 教育制度芬蘭績效責任比較教育共好Education systemFinlandAccountabilityComparative educationCommon good
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 201503 (4:3期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 M. Greene的「想像力」觀點對教師推動閱讀教育的啟示
該期刊-下一篇 新竹縣中小學參與學習共同體試辦計畫之研究──以國中小各一所學校為例




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