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An Exploration of Enhancing the Operation of Professional Learning Community for Elementary and Secondary School Teachers
作者 吳秀春
To enhance the quality of education, the operation of the primary and secondary teachers' professional learning community is currently an important educational policy. The aim of this syudy is to explore effective practices of teachers' professional learning community at elementary and secondary schools. This study first explored the meaning and characteristics of teacher professional learning community. And then based on the theoretical basis, further analyzed and consolidated related research papers and document, to summarize the individual aspect, school aspect and the competent educational authorities. And propose nine effective practices are as follows: 1. to motivate teachers to participate, 2. to promote cooperative learning dialogue and reflection, 3. construct a culture of teacher leadership, 4. fully supports of the administration, 5. develop incentives, 6. to create a harmonious atmosphere in order to cohesion centripetal force 7. adjust the role of principal's leadership, 8. planning community empowerment training or programs and 9. to build a platform of learning community etc. Hopefully, the above suggestions may contribute to encouraging teachers to establish a professional learning community initiatively and to fostering professional growth of teachers as well as improve the overall quality of education as the ultimate goal.
起訖頁 145-162
關鍵詞 中小學教師教師專業學習社群teachers at elementary and secondary schoolsteachers' professional learning community
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 201409 (3:9期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 體育成績考查標準的選擇與設定




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