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Problems and Perspectives for Implementing the Entrance System of Senior High and Vocational High Schools in Taiwan's 12-year National Basic Education Program
作者 黃政傑
Taiwan's Twelve-year National Basic Education Program (TNBEP), which is universal, non-compulsory, tuition-free for all those pursuing vocational and technical education and for those pursuing senior high education with family annual income less than NT$1,480,000, is formally put into practice in 2014. In this new program, most junior high graduates(JHA) enter senior high and vocational high schools at entrance district through either exam-free admission (at least 75% of assigned enrolment quota ) or exam admission for special learning programs(at most 25%). All grade nine students are required to take “comprehensive Assessment for Junior High School Students” (CA-JHSS) in May. The “exam-free” admission, actually is set only for the high school with an expected number of enrolment less than its assigned enrolment quota, if not, a high school has to select by multiple performance criteria, including CA-JHSS grades. The whole new student recruitment period for senior high and vocational high schools in TNBEP lasts from March to Mid-August, the JHA, parents and education commentators express their great anxiety and severe criticism. This paper analyzes the features and implementation status of TNBEP's high school entrance system, explores disputes and problems shown in various media reports, and finally proposed suggestions for high school entrance system, exam-free admission, exam admission for special learning programs, CA-JHSS, national basic education, school quality improvement and school distribution, etc.
起訖頁 102-132
關鍵詞 十二年國教基本教育入學制度高中高職Twelve-year National Basic Education Program (TNBEP)Basic EducationEntrance SystemSenior High SchoolVocational High School
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 201409 (3:9期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 3C人才培育計畫:以科技大學應用英語系課程改革為例
該期刊-下一篇 體育成績考查標準的選擇與設定




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