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PISA 2022創意思考之探究
The Investigation and Implications of PISA 2022 Creative Thinking
作者 林素微 (Lin, Su-Wei)江培銘
在當今快速變化的世界中,創意思考是至關重要的能力,它激發學生的想像力和創造力,幫助他們解決複雜問題並培養創新思維。為了激發學生的創意思考,教育者和政策制定者需要提供支持創造性學習的環境,並重視創意思考在學習中的重要性,這樣才能培養具有創新思維和解決問題能力的學生,為他們的未來成功做好準備。因應此重要能力,PISA 2022強調了培養學生的創意思考能力對未來成功的重要性,進而透過評量架構和設計來測量學生的創意思考,希望透過創意思考的國際比較數據的提供,讓各參與國家了解自身的優勢與弱勢,為教育改革和政策制定提供有價值的訊息。本文闡述創意思考的重要性及PISA創意思考評量的詳細架構,希望可以作為臺灣學生創意思考素養的培育與評量之參考。
Creative thinking is a critically important skill in today’s rapidly changing world. It stimulates students’imagination and creativity, helping them solve complex problems and cultivate innovative thinking. PISA 2022 emphasizes the significance of nurturing students’creative thinking abilities for future success. To inspire students’creative thinking, educators and policymakers need to provide an environment that supports creative learning and recognize the importance of creative thinking in education. This will enable the development of students with innovative thinking and problem-solving capabilities, adequately preparing them for future success. This article elucidates the importance of creative thinking and the detailed framework of PISA’s assessment of creative thinking, serving as a reference for future analysis of creative thinking abilities among Taiwanese students. PISA 2022 provides international comparative data on creative thinking, allowing participating countries to understand their strengths and weaknesses. This valuable information will provide insights for educational reform and policy-making.
起訖頁 381-400
關鍵詞 PISA創意思考問題解決PISAcreative thinkingproblem solving
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202403 (5:2期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 大學住宿式書院課程發展之案例分析:以澳門的一所書院為例




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