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Harnessing E-Portfolios for Lifelong Learning Success
作者 林堂馨
In the context of widespread concerns among high school students and their guardians regarding the university admissions process, which necessitates the compilation of e-portfolio data throughout three years of upper secondary education, this scholarly paper endeavors to offer an alternative perspective and approach. This perspective is rooted in the concept of lifelong learning and seeks to shift the focus from a mere prerequisite for university admission to a more comprehensive view of education and career readiness. Utilizing a systematic literature review methodology, the study critically examines the prevailing state of the Learning Portfolio in Taiwan. It argues that the scope of the portfolio should not be confined to the transition from high school to university. Instead, it should be expanded to include all educational levels, effectively merging learning and career planning into a unified, comprehensive tool. Furthermore, the author suggests the creation of the Lifelong Career e-portfolio System(LCePS). This proposed system is conceptualized as an integrated framework that consolidates personal resumes, learning documentation, career files, and other varied data sets. The recommendation extends to the idea that this system should bridge various educational stages, embracing both formal and informal educational data to foster interoperability and sharing. Emphasis is laid on the crucial role of regularly updating one’s e-portfolio, which is deemed essential for enhancing individual competencies and supporting self-regulated learning development across the educational and career spectrum, thus embodying the true spirit of lifelong learning. This paradigm shift is significant, acknowledging the dynamic nature of learning and career paths in today’s world. It emphasizes the need for a comprehensive, adaptable system that can evolve with an individual over time. Aligned with the global trend towards continuous learning and adaptability, increasingly vital in a rapidly changing society, this approach underscores the importance of empowering students as lifelong learners, equipping them with the necessary tools and mindset to effectively navigate their educational and professional journeys.
起訖頁 271-289
關鍵詞 大學多元入學管道終身學習學習歷程檔案e-Portfolioslifelong learningmultiple entrance programs of universities
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202403 (5:2期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 「新南向政策」下臺越華語文師資培育大學合作範疇與需求之研究
該期刊-下一篇 高中公民與社會科課綱及教科書中的原住民族權利




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