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Teach Less, Learn More: A Study on the Teaching Practice of Applying the Situational Teaching Method in General Education Course at a University of Science and Technology
作者 許宛琪
The importance of interpersonal communication skills for future employment of students in a science and technological university is undeniable. However, the teacher-centered instructional design and traditional lecture-based teaching approach (teach more) often overlook the agency of students, resulting in a disconnect between their learning content and real-life interpersonal communication contexts, passive knowledge acquisition, low learning engagement, and a lack of practical application (learn less). This study focuses on the application of the situational teaching method in the general education course Interpersonal Relationships and Communication Skills at a science and technological university. Grounded in a student-centered Teach Less, Learn More educational philosophy, this study designs diverse situational instructional materials that cater to the learning needs of students at a science and technological university. During the teaching process, the role of the teacher shifted from knowledge transmitter to learning facilitator, emphasizing active student participation and group collaboration, while guiding students to enhance their interpersonal relationships and communication skills through practical action. The results of this study demonstrated that the Teach Less, Learn More educational philosophy injected new vitality into teachers’instruction, while the situational teaching method, implemented in the Interpersonal Relationships and Communication Skills general education course, created learning environments that encouraged students’active exploration, fostered diverse classroom learning experiences, and significantly enhanced student learning engagement and performance. Moreover, students also demonstrated a high level of satisfaction with the instructional practices implemented in this course.
起訖頁 147-180
關鍵詞 少教多學情境教學法學習投入學習成效學習滿意度teach less and learn moresituational teaching methodlearning involvementlearning outcomelearning satisfaction
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202403 (5:2期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 融入性別平等概念發展師資生職業教育與生涯規劃課程暨教學效果之研究
該期刊-下一篇 技術型高中教師專業永續發展的新取向:以赴公民營機構研習或研究為例




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