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Case Study of Two Elementary School Teachers Implementing Digital Learning in Their Classes
作者 王金國 (Chin-Kuo Wang)許廷遠賴建翰
The purpose of this case study is to explore how two elementary school teachers have incorporated digital learning into their teaching, along with the feedback from their students. One teacher is from a century-old public school, while the other teaches at a private bilingual primary school. The study gathered data using participating observation, conducting interviews, distributing end-of-term questionnaires to students, and collecting relevant document. The primary discoveries are outlined below, 1. The case teachers' motivations for incorporating digital learning include aligning with educational trends and policies, revitalize teaching to make teaching more interesting, and help students develop digital literacy. Both teachers share the belief that digital learning can facilitate students' leaning. 2. The case teachers tailored their digital teaching methods to align with the specific subjects they teach. During the information education class, the teacher introduced the functions and applications of the iPad, while in the mathematics class, the teacher underscored the use of the iPad as a learning aid. 3. The challenges faced by the case teachers include: (1) Limited availability of digital equipment for every class. (2) Teachers and students lacking familiarity with digital equipment and related software. (3) Digital teaching preparation consuming significant time. 4. Students enjoy digital learning because it's engaging, interesting, and beneficial for learning. Both teachers and students provide favorable feedback regarding the digital learning. 5. The case teachers have proposed four suggestions to promote digital teaching: enriching digital equipment, supporting teachers' growth, providing teaching resources, and setting up a reward system.
起訖頁 261-295
關鍵詞 數位教學數位學習資訊科技融入教學digital teachingdigital learninginformation technology integrated into instruction
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202401 (5:1期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 當代閱讀教育發展的重要議題:雙語教育與雙閱讀素養
該期刊-下一篇 從原教中心觀點談地方原住民族教師專業發展網絡之運作




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