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Lifting the Veil of Mystery Again: Supplementary Analysis of Key Strategic Elements of 2016 Finnish Core Curriculum Reform
作者 陳玟樺 (Wen-Hua Chen)
芬蘭在1970年初推動綜合學校改革至今約五十年,「芬蘭之道」(Finnish Way)顯已穩固成形。反思箇中改革歷程,或有切合妥適的策略要素同步運作,而使課程變革較能順利運行。本研究旨在探討芬蘭2016課綱發展過程中之課程改革策略要素,即在既有研究基礎上,參考芬蘭最新2016課綱改革歷程,再掘芬蘭教育變革過去以來已漸呈顯性的「know-how」關鍵。本研究以官方文件2016國家核心課程、相關文獻文件等為主要探索文本。研究發現,芬蘭2016課程改革策略要素至少有四:變革有力的操舵系統、知識透明的協作機制、兒童參與價值肯認的共識,以及未來思維工具《2030年學習未來晴雨表》的善用等。芬蘭教育本不「神話」,卻是一富有「務實」且「誠實」雙特質的課程改革進程。
Only about half a century has since the Finnish initial comprehensive school reform in early 1970, the‘Finnish Way’has firmly taken shape. In the reform process, strategic elements may play an influential role in promoting the smooth operation of curriculum reform. This study aims to explore the strategic elements of curriculum reform in developing the Finnish 2016 Core Curriculum. Specifically, it builds upon existing research and references the Finnish 2016 Core Curriculum to uncover further the emerging 'know-how' key factors in Finnish educational reform. The primary exploratory texts for this study include official documents such as the Finnish 2016 Core Curriculum and existing relevant literature documents. Several findings emerged. At least four strategic elements have been highlighted in Finland's 2016 curriculum reform process: a robust steering system for change, a knowledge-transparent collaboration mechanism, value-affirming children's participation, and the excellent use of the future thinking tool The Future of Learning 2030 Barometer. Finnish education is not a‘myth’but a curriculum reform process with a dual orientation of ''practicality'' and '' integrity.''
起訖頁 225-239
關鍵詞 芬蘭國家核心課程操舵系統2030年學習未來晴雨表兒童權利現象為本學習The Finnish core curriculumsteering systemThe Future of Learning 2030 Barometerthe Rights of the Childphenomenon-based learning
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202401 (5:1期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 希望感模式應用於大學全英語授課之行動研究:以一門大一必修課程為例
該期刊-下一篇 當代閱讀教育發展的重要議題:雙語教育與雙閱讀素養




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