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Exploring Spiritual Morality: An Action Research on Moral Education in the University
作者 王嘉陵 (Chia-Ling Wang)
This is an action research of moral education for master students in an institute of education. The motivation of this research is triggered from morality is a necessary in current educational practices; however, it is easy to be ignored. The researcher attempts to interpret the teaching of moral education by employing the‘holistic person’perspectives. Meanwhile, the spiritual morality is focused on in master students’learning. The aims of this research are as follows: first, a moral education curriculum is designed, which is spiritually oriented. Second, the transformation of master students’moral cognition is observed in the curriculum implementation. Third, the researcher guides students to apply the idea of spiritual morality into their teaching in elementary and secondary schools. Forth, teaching reflections in this research is described. The manners of data collection in this research are observation, interview, taking reflective notes and collecting text from students’assignment and questionnaire. The research results are: practices of meditation in the classroom are helpful to enhance students’moral cognition. In addition, daily lives practices of meditation or gratitude are beneficial for master students’mora development. It is found that spiritual morality is learned more by realization in mind, rather than understanding by the brain. In the end of this article, several suggestions for the future research are provided by the author.
起訖頁 157-185
關鍵詞 大學行動研究道德道德教育universityaction researchmoralitymoral education
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202401 (5:1期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 再議高教國際化下大學華語學分課程的目標、類型與功能
該期刊-下一篇 希望感模式應用於大學全英語授課之行動研究:以一門大一必修課程為例




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