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A Study on Textual Time of“Zhèng Wén-gōng Asked Tài Bó”in“Bamboo Slipsof Warring States PeriodCollected by QīngHuáUniversity: Volume VI”& the Identity of the Qīngin ZhèngState
作者 黃聖松 (Huang Sheng-sung)
《清華大學藏戰國竹簡》之《鄭文公問太伯》有「太伯」者,其身分引發學者熱議。筆者贊同王寧之見,太伯乃隱公五年與七年《左傳》之洩駕,唯王寧認定簡文內容時間有待商榷。簡文「獲彼荊寵」與僖公五年《左傳》記載相應,此年為鄭文公十八年。簡文內容應在鄭文公有意與楚交好之後與決定親楚之前,即魯僖公三年(657 B.C.)至五年(655 B.C.),即鄭文公十六年至十八年間。且僖公七年《左傳》記大子華參與齊桓公甯母之盟,《左傳》記是時鄭卿人名頗與簡文相符,該年係鄭文公二十年。由此推判簡文所述時間應在鄭文公十六年至十八年間,比對簡文與僖公七年《左傳》所載鄭卿,不僅可證簡文之太伯即僖公七年《左傳》之洩氏,且得疏證鄭文公十六年至二十年之鄭卿。
The identity of Tài Bóhas aroused heated discussions among scholars in“Bamboo Slips of Warring States Period Collected by Qīng HuáUniversity”-“Zhèng Wén-gōng Asked Tài Bó”. The author agrees with Wáng Níng’s view that Tài Bóis XièJià(Qīng of Zhèng State) in“ZuǒZhuán”in 718 B.C. & 716 B. C.; however, Wáng Níng believes that the content of the bamboo slips and its time are open to question. The sentence“Huòbǐjīng chǒng.”on the bamboos slip corresponds to the record in“ZuǒZhuán”in 655 B.C. which was the 18th year of Zhèng Wén-gōng. The content of the bamboo slips shows the timeframe should be after Zhèng Wén-gōng intended to make friends with ChǔState and before he decided to be a partner with ChǔState. It was in the 3rdto 5thyear of LǔXī-gōng and it was also the 16thto 18thyear of Zhèng Wén-gōng (657 B.C. to655 B.C.). It was also recorded that the eldest son HuáCān participated in the Níng MǔAlliance with QíHuán-gōng in“ZuǒZhuán”in 653 B. C.; moreover, the name of the Qīngin ZhèngState wasquite consistent with the content on bamboo slips, and it was the 20thyear of Zhèng Wén-gōng. According to this, it can be inferred that the time mentioned on the bamboo slips should be between the 16thto 18thyears of Zhèng Wén-gōng. Comparing bamboo slips and the record of the Qīng in Zhèng State in“ZuǒZhuán”in 653 B. C.; it also can be proved that Tài Bóon the bamboo slip was XièJià. Furthermore, it also can be proved that who was the Qīngin Zhèng State from the 16thto 20thyear of Zhèng Wén-gōng.
起訖頁 35-50
關鍵詞 《清華大學藏戰國竹簡》《鄭文公問太伯》《左傳》鄭文公太伯“Bamboo Slips of Warring States Period Collected by QīngHuáUniversity”“Zhèng Wén-gōng Asked Tài Bó”“ZuǒZhuán”Zhèng Wén-gōngTài Bó
刊名 高雄師大學報  
期數 202311 (38期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 涉筆成趣──鏡花緣的仿擬及其修辭功能
該期刊-下一篇 從認知語言學視角探討等韻圖教學問題──以「轉」及相近概念的詞為例




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