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“Dai Shi Yuan”待事掾in the Eastern Han Bamboo Slips from Wuyi Square
作者 高震寰 (Chen-huan Kao)
“Dai shi yuan”待事掾(an officer waiting for assignment) was a type of official that can be seen in stele inscriptions from the Eastern Han to Western Jin dynasties. The publication of the Eastern Han bamboo slips from Wuyi Square in recent years has provided new information on the activities of this official, which in turn have sparked debate over its exact nature. This article analyzes the role and characteristics of“dai shi yuan”from related materials in the Wuyi Square slips and argues that it was an official without a specific position, or“sanli”散吏. That is not to say it was an idle position, rather being an active officer who frequently attended various duties as the situation required. Officials with the title of“dai shi yuan,”for example, were sometimes dispatched as messengers by chief officials to oversee subordinate units, namely ensuring that orders were being carried out according to the will of their superiors. By better understanding the nature of“dai shi yuan”as well as the processes of how and why they were dispatched, we are able to not only further our knowledge of both the title itself and how it developed but also apprehend the task groupings in local governments at that time.
起訖頁 817-876
關鍵詞 待事掾五一廣場東漢簡散吏外部吏使者“dai shi yuan”Eastern Han bamboo slips from Wuyi Square“sanli”(officials with no fixed duties)external supervisormessengers
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 202312 (94:4期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 馬王堆帛書《刑德》、《陰陽五行》諸篇曆法與神煞再考
該期刊-下一篇 嘉禾吏民田家莂的生成、性質及其功能




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