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Personal Data Protection from Asian Perspective: A Probe into Database Litigation in Japan and Taiwan
作者 林昕璇
本文擇日本作為比較法制之個案研究,以日本個人資料保護法制架構為始,闡述該國「資訊隱私權」的概念緣起與建構歷程,續以日本最高裁2008年的住基法制度案判例,以及2015年起輾轉於大阪地方法院、仙台地方法院以團體訴訟提起之My Number訴訟案為主軸,考察比較大型資料庫訴訟於日本司法實務之發展脈絡及立論基礎,最後返歸我國憲法法庭111年憲判字第13號判決,試圖從比較判決的觀點,評釋兩國資料庫代表性訴訟對於未來個人資料加值應用的公部門資訊再利用研擬妥適之對應處理策略建議。
In recent years, countries have faced concerns regarding whether large-scale databases established by governments and public entities may infringe upon people’s right to privacy. Given that massive databases can quickly accumulate fragments of personal data and, through the stacking of vast amounts of information, potentially profile individuals’personality traits, there are concerns about the risk of data breaches associated with such databases. The construction of legal frameworks and their specific implementation not only sparks litigation in Taiwan but also extends to Japan. Both Taiwan and Japan’s judiciary aim to clarify the concept and scope of“information privacy rights”and how to derive specific protection measures from constitutional provisions to establish personal data protection.
This article selects Japan as a case study for comparative legal analysis, starting with an overview of Japan’s framework for personal data protection laws. It elaborates on the origin and development of the concept of“information privacy rights”in Japan. Subsequently, it focuses on pivotal cases in Japanese jurisprudence, such as the 2008 Supreme Court ruling on the Basic Resident Register System and class action filed in My Number litigations. These cases are examined to explore the development trajectory and legal foundation of large-scale database litigation in Japan. Next, the article analyzes Taiwan’s Constitutional Court 111-Hsien-Pan- 13 decision, evaluates the implications of these two countries’representative database litigations from a comparative judgment perspective. It aims to provide recommendations for appropriate strategies in addressing the second use of public sector for enhancing personal data protection.
起訖頁 79-118
關鍵詞 政府資料庫個人資料保護住民基本台帳網路系統日本My Number訴訟111年憲判字第13號Government databasespersonal data protectionJapan’s Basic Resident Register Network SystemJapan’s My Number litigationTaiwan Constitutional Court 111-Hsien-Pan-13 decision
刊名 醫藥、科技與法律  
期數 202312 (28:2期)
出版單位 國立清華大學科技法律研究所;臺灣醫事法律學會;臺北醫學大學醫療暨生物科技法律研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從證據法角度討論COVID-19疫苗傷害因果關係之證據種類與證據力爭議:法律政策與科學不確定性之互動
該期刊-下一篇 健康資料再利用與資料治理──寫在憲法法庭健保資料庫案判決之後




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