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A Study of the Application of the Five-Stage Model to Primary School“International Education”Course
作者 陳昱宏 (Yu-Hung Chen)諶芯
Abstract. In recent years, the covid-19 epidemic has changed the lives of human beings, and many social activities have been restricted as a result. Based on this, the purpose of this study is to understand what difficulties are encountered in the teaching process and whether this method of teaching can enhance students' motivation and learning effectiveness through the Inter-institutional Synchronous Distance Learning into 5-stage model of E-moderating.The study aims to understand students' motivation and learning effectiveness of the Inter-institutional Synchronous Distance Learning curriculum of international education course. The participants involved in this study are sixth grade students Elementary School A (Taipei City) and fifth grade students Elementary School B (New Taipei City). In addition, the research data is collected through learning motivation scale, self-assessment learning effectiveness questionnaires, student feedback, collaborative teacher suggestions, teacher reflection journals, and interviews. The findings of this study are as follows: 1.Inter-institutional Synchronous Distance Learning can break the limitations of distance and epidemic, and it also stimulates the interaction between two schools, which causes a positive impact on students' motivation and learning outcomes. 2.Inter-institutional Synchronous Distance Learning should avoid long hours of online learning and establish a platform for learner’s communication so that learners or small groups can discuss across domains. 3.E-moderating should be taken step by step, give students enough time for discussion, and consist diverse learning activities. 4.When the number of students in an Inter-institutional Synchronous Distance Learning course is large, students should be appropriately assigned tasks, such as more opportunities to present on stage.
起訖頁 193-231
關鍵詞 互動性線上帶領遠距教學interactivityonline leadingdistance
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202311 (4:6期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 國小實施跨年級教學課程模式與教學策略探究
該期刊-下一篇 從學習者個別化體驗觀點探討數位學習媒材研製與設計




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