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A Study on the Correlation between Preservice Teachers’Core Self-Evaluation Based on Ideal Teacher’s Image and Their Job Engagement
作者 張耀忠王智弘 (Chih-Hung Wang)
The purpose of this study is to explore, starting with the depiction of ideal teachers’image in the“White Paper on Teacher Education,”then on how to cultivate characteristics of good teachers in the core self-evaluation of preservice teachers, and the impact of such on their job engagement after they enter the workplace. Based on the three core values described in the“Image of a Lifelong Learning Teacher”published by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan: love for education, professionalism, and future capacity this paper investigates whether there is a correlation between these values and the cultivation of teachers' core self-evaluation, and whether it can be used to improve preservice teachers’understanding and implementation of good teacher characteristics and for them to consequently demonstrate positive job engagement in the workplace. The study found that: preservice teachers with higher core self-evaluation results had a better sense of self-identity, showed more enthusiasm at work, were more capable of overcoming adversity, viewed setbacks in the workplace more positively, controlled their emotions better, were more satisfied with their work, were more excited about challenges and growth opportunities, and as a result, their sense of happiness increased. This finding is highly similar to the qualities described in the“Image of a Lifelong Learning Teacher”: passion for education, responsible teaching attitude, acceptance of diverse status quo, ability to face challenges and solve difficulties in teaching, and mentality of continuous lifelong learning and growth. This research hopes to discover the correlation between the two ,and encourage preservice teachers to actively cultivate positive teacher characteristics in their training stage, so as to provide the basis for future integration of teacher training institutes and the improvement of preservice teachers’job engagement. Furthermore, it can also used as a reference for academic research and administrative practice.
起訖頁 47-63
關鍵詞 師資生核心自我評價敬業貢獻度良師楷模preservice teacherscore self-evaluationjob engagementideal teachers and role models
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202311 (4:6期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 雙語教學融入我國師資培育課程初探
該期刊-下一篇 論我國當前國小社會領域師資生原民文化素養的提升




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