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Impact of Competitive Advantages of Tourism and Leisure Industries on Its Development Strategy: Case Study of Pingtung County
作者 蔡明穎梁朝雲 (Chaoyun Liang)
This study adopted Porter’s diamond model to assess the competitive advantages and development strategy for the tourism and leisure industry in Pingtung County. The researchers collected 782 residents from 33 townships in Pingtung County. The results demonstrated that the“factor conditions”can be divided into“tourism-related cultural and historical resources”and“agricultural, fishery, and gourmet production”; that“firm strategy, structure, and rivalry”can be divided into“leisure-related cultural and historical activities”and“development of production and marketing channels”; that“related and supporting industries”can be divided into“local cooperative production”and“activity cooperating industry”; that“opportunities”can be divided into“extension of local industries”and“outbound transportation construction”; and that“development strategy”can be divided into“regional cooperation,”“southbound talent migration,”and“cross-border added value.”Among these advantages,“extension of local industries”in“opportunities”was found to be the most crucial action item affecting the county’s development strategy. In particular, the“demand conditions”and“activity cooperating industry”could inhibit the three developmental strategies in the northern Pingtung area. In addition, residents in the Aboriginal area believed that more diversified“development of production and marketing channels”in“firm strategy, structure, and rivalry”would inhibit the development strategy of“cross-border added value”.
起訖頁 17-46
關鍵詞 屏東縣發展策略競爭優勢觀光休閒產業鑽石模型Pingtung Countydevelopment strategycompetitive advantagetourism and leisure industrydiamond model
刊名 觀光旅遊研究學刊  
期數 202312 (18:2期)
出版單位 銘傳大學觀光學院
該期刊-上一篇 虛擬世界中的真實體驗:應用方法目的鏈探討以3D實景建模為基礎的VR旅遊體驗
該期刊-下一篇 問題導向學習(PBL)教學對提升觀光系大學生領隊危機處理能力之成效




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