中文摘要 |
川端康成於1968年獲得諾貝爾文學獎。當時,據說獲獎的原因是“故事的掌握,以出色的敏感度表達了日本精神的精髓。”另一方面,村上春樹獲得諾貝爾文學獎與否,也常被人們津津樂道。因此,構思套上川端康成獲獎的原因,來探討比較此兩位作家的文學創作。具體作品設定為被歸類為「跨時空題材」的《掌之小說》中收錄的「不死」,以及村上春樹的《城市與其不確定的牆》。因為此兩部作品都與生死、靈體息息相關。透過比對研究,發現有兩個共同點。一為戀人相隔多年後在死後的世界重逢。二為從生至死皆有連貫接續性。而不同的是,《城市與其不確定的牆》具有在「死者世界」和「生者世界」之間來回的空間移動模式,此是川端沒有的,村上春樹的擅長。川端康成和村上春樹在處理「跨時空」這個主題時,展現了各自的本領。各自的風格描寫都觸動了日本人的心,帶出各自獨特的「醍醐味」。此乃是川端康成和村上春樹兩位在日本文學史上,佔有一席之真正價值。 Yasunari Kawabata won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1968. At the time, the reason for his award was said to be ''the skill of his narrative, which expresses the essence of the Japanese heart with excellent sensitivity.'' On the other hand, Haruki Murakami's potential Nobel Prize in Literature is often discussed. Therefore, by applying the reason for Kawabata's award to Murakami's literature, I have made a comparative study of the literary creations of the two. In this way, both Kawabata Yasunari and Haruki Murakami have demonstrated their respective strengths when dealing with '' Theme of Super Space-Time.'' Each of their depictions shakes the Japanese heart, and it can be inferred that they produce a unique ''flavor'' that is unique to each of them. This is indeed the true value that justifies why the fame of Yasunari Kawabata and Haruki Murakami has not faded and is engraved in the history of Japanese literature. |