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Review Mechanism on the Works Submitted by University Professors for Accreditation Reviews that Violate Academic Ethics
作者 許育典謝漢東
An incident in which a professor from National Taiwan University violated academic ethics shocked the Taiwanese academia in 2016. The professor was charged with falsification and alteration of the works he submitted for professor qualification review. In accordance with the Regulations Governing Accreditation of Teacher Qualifications at Junior Colleges and Institutions of Higher Education, applicants that violate academic ethics shall have their professor certification revoked and returned, and their applications for professor qualification shall be rejected for a specific period. The criteria and review procedure of the violation of professor qualifications are enacted by the Ministry of Education, but whether the works submitted by applicants for review have violated academic regulations is mainly involved with academic ethics guidelines of which the determination must be made by the professionals in various disciplines rather than by unified standards. University professor qualification review involves the public power of the state and affects professors’ job rights and academic reputations. The procedure of reviewing the works involving academic ethics issues, which works are submitted by professors for accreditation review, must be rigorous and follow the principles of professionalism and academic self-discipline. From the perspective of university autonomy, this study explored whether professor accreditation review must be governed by university on the basis of university personnel autonomy and how its procedure differed from that of general academic findings review. Analysis was conducted on the review procedure based on the Principles for Responding to Violations of Regulations Governing Accreditation of Teacher Qualifications by Teachers of Junior Colleges and Institutions of Higher Education enacted by Ministry of Education as well as the procedures of teacher review committees or units in reviewing works submitted for accreditation review. Comments and Suggestions were proposed accordingly to fulfill the principles of university autonomy and academic self-discipline.
起訖頁 1-30
關鍵詞 大學自治學術倫理教師升等送審著作違反教師送審資格專科以上學校教師違反送審教師資格規定處理原則University AutonomyAcademic EthicsInstructor PromotionWork Submitted for ReviewViolation of Professor QualificationPrinciples for Responding to Instructor Qualification-related Violations by Instructors of Junior Colleges and Institutions of Higher Education
刊名 財金法學研究  
期數 202303 (6:1期)
出版單位 中華財金法學會
該期刊-下一篇 天然氣管線通過權之實務案例研討──以公寓大廈外牆為中心




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