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Returning to“Substance (Zhi)”and Trimming“Pattern (Wen)”and the Reciprocating Movement between“Substance”and“Pattern”——An Analytical Reading of the Chapter Order of“Ba Yi”
作者 劉雅
The chapter of“Ba Yi”of the Analects of Confucius focuses on rituals and music, employing them to analyze the unjust practices of the nobility during the time of Confucius. According to the relationship between“substance (Wen)”and“pattern (Zhi),”we can divide the chapter into four parts. The first three parts consist of sections 1 to 5, 6 to 9, and 10 to 23. These parts establish a progression from“substance (Wen)”to“pattern (Zhi),”highlighting the importance of“humaneness (Ren)”, and the noble person’s learning of rituals. The chapter then transitions to the concept of the harmonious coexistence between humanity and heaven, critically examining the transgressions of rituals and ultimately restoring proper order. The final part (24-26) expands the discussion beyond individual actions, encompassing governance over“all under heaven (Tianxia)”through the use of rituals, music, culture, and education. These concluding sections further explore and synthesize the insights gained from the earlier parts. The chapter of“Ba Yi,”with its musical motifs, not only emphasizes the return from“substance”to“pattern”, but also highlights the equal importance of both elements.
起訖頁 81-107
關鍵詞 〈八佾〉章序文質《論語》“Ba Yi,”chapter order“substance (Wen)”and“pattern (Zhi)”the Analects of Confucius
刊名 當代儒學研究  
期數 202311 (34期)
出版單位 國立中央大學儒學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 論牟宗三先生對於別教與圓教之詮釋──兼論王陽明的工夫論的別教與圓教意義




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