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The Construction and Significance of the Image of Yi Yin as a“Good Minister”: Focusing on Discussions of the Tsinghua Bamboo Slips
作者 林啓屏
In both passed down documents and excavated texts, Yi Yin伊尹(?-?) is not only portrayed as a political figure, but also depicted in various remarkable contexts such as experiences tied to spirits and demons as well as diet and nourishment. However, what warrants an in-depth investigation is his image as a“good minister”within the processes of political practices, for the representation of Yi Yin in ancient political history reflects the early maturity of Chinese culture and power dynamics in political activities, a key subject in ancient history. The present article analyzes the“good minister”image of Yi Yin to elucidate its plausible meanings. First, this article examines the power characteristics of the era in which Yi Yin was written to explicate the social contexts surrounding the related documents at the time of their writing, especially the differences in ideologies between stages during structural transitions. Second, by comparing narratives regarding Yi Yin in the Tsinghua bamboo slips with those in ancient documents that have been passed down, this article illustrates the model from which Yi Yin’s image as a“good minister”was constructed. Last, from a comprehensive perspective of intellectual history, the plausible implications and significance of the construction of Yi Yin’s image as a“good minister”are indicated.
起訖頁 197-234
關鍵詞 伊尹政治權力良臣清華簡Yi Yin伊尹politicspower“good minister”Tsinghua bamboo slips
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 202312 (41:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 由清華簡〈赤(鳥咎)之集湯之屋〉、〈尹至〉談〈女鳩〉、〈女房〉的亡佚
該期刊-下一篇 《六韜》學派傾向與思想體系新詮──基於出土本與傳世本的綜合研究




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