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The Situation and Prevention of Online Sexual Exploited Girls: An Analytical Approach of Intersectionality of Gender and Age
作者 許家嘉
When sexual exploitation happened, girls are the mainly victim. Girls own at least two identities, one is“female”which is covered by CEADAW, the other is“child”which is referred to by CRC. It seems girls can be protected by these two conventions. However, it shows the sexual exploited girls are easily excluded by preventions, since we are not familiar to viewing sexual exploitation with intersectional approach. Although our government has been dedicating to amending the Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act these years, we are still hardly to realize the intersectional situation which the sexual exploited girls are facing, which makes the Act and preventions are not suitable for these girl-child. On the other hand, we found the patterns of sexual exploitation are changing. Online sexual exploitation is now the new patterns. Due to the technology and patriarchy, online sexual exploitation is no longer limited by time and locations. That is, online sexual exploitation becomes a trend in world, which must be treated in macro perspective. However, we still ignore the girls’situation, which may intersect with power, social divisions, and discrimination. This research is trying to use intersectional approach to explore the challenge that sexual exploited girls are facing and the coping strategies in Taiwan.
起訖頁 127-152
關鍵詞 交織性性剝削女性兒童女童網路性剝削intersectionsexual exploitationfemalechildgirl childonline sexual exploitation
刊名 臺灣社會工作學刊  
期數 202312 (26期)
出版單位 臺灣社會工作專業人員協會
該期刊-上一篇 探究社區中囤積儲物議題下社會工作者的角色




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