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(In)Vulnerable Women in J. M. Coetzee’s Disgrace: Rape and the Law in Neoliberal South Africa
作者 郭家珍
This essay commences by exploring Judith Butler’s theory of vulnerability, using two rape cases from J. M. Coetzee’s novel, Disgrace, to examine the different vulnerable states that female victims experience. Melanie Isaacs becomes a sexual victim when her voice and subjectivity are erased following her sexual abuse by David Lurie. In contrast, Lucy Lurie’s trauma from the rape leads to her transformation from a passive sexual victim into a Butlerian agent with vulnerability. Disgrace also sheds light on the unequal distribution of precarity in the neoliberal South Africa: issues like sexual violence, class distinctions, and racial tensions are often overlooked by the government and unfairly dealt with in the legal system. Such a vicious cycle of precarity and legal exclusion has persisted since the apartheid era. Lucy’s rape underscores the limitation of achieving justice through legal means or revenge, and her pregnancy suggests that breaking the short-circuited cycle between the law and violence may involve suspending the law’s overwhelming dominance and allowing subjugated citizens to express their own ideas about what they have been through.
起訖頁 233-268
關鍵詞 柯慈《屈辱》巴特勒班雅明性侵受弱力新自由主義暴力法律J. M. CoetzeeDisgraceJudith ButlerWalter Benjaminrapevulnerabilityneoliberalismviolencethe law
刊名 中外文學  
期數 202312 (52:4期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 如水的觸感:《幻愛》與後運動香港情感政治
該期刊-下一篇 形式的局限與可能:評朵拉‧ 張《陌生的相似性:描述與現代主義小說》




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