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How Leaders Affect Followers’Identity Orientation? Theory Construction and Scale Development of Three-Level Identity Leadership
作者 簡忠仁鄭伯壎
本研究旨在透過兩個研究來建構三層次認定領導理論(three-level identity leadership theory)。立基於三層次認定取向的觀點,本研究認為領導者能夠透過特定的認定領導行為來激發部屬不同層次的認定取向,進而影響部屬的工作行為。透過研究一的理論推演與質性研究,初步建構三層次認定領導之內涵。其中,個人層次的認定領導行為包含尊重接納、因人制宜及自主發展;關係層次的認定領導包含對偶連結、經驗傳授及堅實後盾;群體層次的認定領導則包含團隊塑造、游光揚聲及執正持平。研究二的目的則在編製三層次認定領導理論的測量工具,並以三個不同的樣本檢驗其信效度。結果顯示,題項具有良好的心理計量屬性,三層次的理論架構亦能獲得實徵資料的支持。最後,則針對本研究發現與限制進行討論,並說明未來研究方向與管理實務意涵。
The main goal of this study is to develop a three-level identity leadership theory. Drawing on three-level identity orientation perspective, we propose that a leader can affect subordinates' identity orientation with his/her leadership behaviors and subsequently increase subordinates' performances. The purpose of Study 1 is to clarify the contents of threelevel identity leadership. We conducted several semi-structured interviews and content analyses to develop the dimensions of three-level identity leadership. We found that individual identity leadership includes“respect and acceptance,”“tailored consideration,”and“autonomous development”behaviors. Relational identity leadership comprises“establishing connection,”“experience transfer,”and“providing support,”and collective identity leadership comprises“team-building,”“glory sharing,”and“maintaining justice.”The purpose of Study 2 is to develop the measurement scale of identity leadership and examine their validity. Our result shows that the three-level model is supported by empirical data. The reliability and validity of the scale are also confirmed. Finally, theoretical and practical implications are discussed, and limitations and future research directions are provided.
起訖頁 479-502
關鍵詞 認定認定取向社會認定理論領導認定領導identityidentity orientationsocial identity theoryleadershipidentity leadership
刊名 管理學報  
期數 202312 (40:4期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國管理科學學會
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