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文山評論:文學與文化 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Book Review-Tim Fulford and Sharon Ruston, eds., The Collected Letters of Sir Humphry Davy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. 4 vols. 2,320 pp.£467.50. ISBN: 9780198705864.
Book Review-Tim Fulford and Sharon Ruston, eds., The Collected Letters of Sir Humphry Davy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. 4 vols. 2,320 pp.£467.50. ISBN: 9780198705864.
作者 Jonathon Hricko (Jonathon Hricko)
The British chemist Sir Humphry Davy (1778-1829) is a fascinating figure for many reasons. Today, he is remembered primarily for his scientific achievements. He distinguished himself early on by discovering the effects of nitrous oxide (i.e., laughing gas).
起訖頁 145-151
刊名 文山評論:文學與文化  
期數 202306 (16:2期)
出版單位 國立政治大學英國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 Book Review-Emily Sun, On the Horizon of World Literature: Forms of Modernity in Romantic England and Republican China, New York: Fordham UP, 2021. 176 pp. $30.00. ISBN: 978-0-8232-9479-4.




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